Trauma Response Quiz

Headshot of Charlie Health Medical Reviewer Don Gaspirini

Clinically Reviewed By: Dr. Don Gasparini

October 6, 2023

People respond to trauma differently, and knowing your trauma response can help you understand your reactions to stressors. Take this quiz to learn if your primary trauma response is fawning, freezing, flopping, trauma dumping, or self-gaslighting.

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Disclaimer: This quiz is not a diagnostic tool or substitute for professional mental health advice. It is not meant to imply the prevalence of any mental or physical health issue(s).

What do the results of this trauma response quiz mean?

This trauma response quiz isn’t meant for diagnosing trauma responses, and it isn’t a substitute for professional mental health support. Instead, this quiz is designed to help you understand how likely it is that you are experiencing trauma responses. Recognizing these responses can help you understand your emotional and psychological reactions to traumatic events and prompt you to seek appropriate support from mental health professionals. Remember, the quiz results provide only a glimpse into your trauma response patterns and should be supplemented with other resources, such as therapy and guidance from qualified professionals.

What is a normal score on this quiz?

There is not a “normal” score on this trauma response quiz, as trauma responses are deeply personal and can vary widely based on individual experiences and coping mechanisms. Instead, the results of this quiz reflect where you may fall on a spectrum of trauma responses, ranging from minimal to more pronounced reactions. It’s essential to interpret your score within the context of your own life experiences and emotional responses rather than trying to fit it into a predetermined “normal.”

What is a low score on this quiz?

A low score on this quiz indicates that you have little to no signs of trauma responses. This most likely means you rarely or never experienced the examples listed in the quiz. However, trauma responses can manifest differently for each individual, and a low score does not definitively rule out the presence of trauma responses in your life.

What is a high score on this quiz?

A high score on this quiz indicates that you reported experiencing significant signs of trauma responses. This means that you often or very often experienced the examples listed in the quiz. It’s important to acknowledge the impact these responses may have on your well-being and consider reaching out to a mental health professional or a trusted support system for assistance. Remember, seeking help is a proactive step towards healing and managing your trauma responses effectively.

Who is this trauma response quiz for? 

This trauma response quiz is designed for anyone who wants to know what their trauma response is and how it affects their behaviors and relationships. Knowing your trauma response can help you understand your reactions to stress, identify when you’re being triggered, and empower you to take steps toward trauma recovery.

Answering this short, eight-question trauma response quiz will help establish which trauma response you most closely align with. However, this quiz isn’t a diagnostic tool and doesn’t replace advice from a licensed mental health provider. After taking this quiz, it may be helpful to talk with a mental health professional who can help you process the causes of your trauma response and provide you with tools to manage past traumas effectively.

How can taking this trauma response quiz be helpful?

This trauma response quiz can allow you to explore and identify patterns of emotional and psychological reactions that may stem from past traumas. By recognizing these patterns, people can gain insight into their own coping mechanisms and potential areas for growth and healing. It empowers people to make informed decisions about seeking support and implementing healthy coping strategies. You may revisit the quiz to explore how trauma responses may manifest in various aspects of your life.

What are the types of trauma responses?

Fawning trauma response

  • You try to prevent conflict with others by pleasing them. You agree with everything others say, try to get them to like you, and put aside your own feelings to avoid arguments or problems. You use this people-pleasing approach to feel safe, especially with people who are abusive.

Freeze trauma response

  • When someone or something is making you stressed or causing you harm, you shut down—physically, emotionally, or both. You become numb and try to disconnect from what’s going on around you because you hope that the stressor will go away if you don’t respond.

Flop trauma response

  • Stress or the possibility of harm makes you feel so overwhelmed that your body physically shuts down. You might faint, feel extremely tired, or skip an event because you’ve lost motivation. Like the freeze trauma response, you may also disengage emotionally, but when you flop, there’s always a physical reaction.

Trauma dumping

  • You bottle up your stress and then vent to friends, co-workers, family, or even a social media audience all at once. Trauma dumping can feel intense for you because you’re letting so much out all at once and intense for the people you’re talking with because they’re hearing a lot of your feelings all at once.


  • When something stressful or traumatic happens, you blame yourself—and often hold onto that blame for a long time. You hold yourself responsible for traumatic events and stressors as a way to justify why these things happened in the first place, even though you don’t actually have control over them.

Is your trauma response genetic?

Many factors can impact a person’s trauma response, and researchers are increasingly exploring if genetics is one of them.

For decades, researchers have explored how trauma itself can be passed down through generations—a term known as “intergenerational trauma,” first popularized in a 1988 study of the children of Holocaust survivors. In the past several years, research has explored how this intergenerational transmission of trauma may be due to epigenetics, which are environmentally-caused changes in the way your genes work.

Just as trauma may be genetically transmitted, the way we respond to trauma may be, too, research shows. For example, a 2016 study of twins (a common way researchers study genetics and heredity) revealed there’s a genetic risk factor for developing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after trauma. And research indicates that some trauma responses may have more of a hereditary component than others. A 2004 study exploring the “faint” trauma response (akin to the flop trauma response) shows that it seems to have a strong genetic component.

What is IOP?

Intensive outpatient programming (IOP) is a level of behavioral  healthcare that is typically more structured and intensive than traditional weekly therapy. It is designed for individuals who need more treatment and support than can be provided through traditional outpatient services, but who do not require the level of care provided through residential or inpatient treatment.

The goal of IOP is to provide individuals with the support and treatment they need to manage their mental health issues and achieve lasting recovery, while still allowing them to maintain their daily routines and responsibilities.

Curated groups

By bringing people with similar mental health challenges together, we’re able to create group environments where clients can learn how to build connections and foster long-term healing.

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Individual therapy

One-on-one connections are critical to the IOP model, which is why each client’s unique treatment plan includes a primary therapist for weekly individual sessions.

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Family therapy

A leading predictor of success in IOP is family involvement. Our virtual intensive outpatient program’s family therapy component teaches communication and coping skills to create a more supportive home environment both during and after treatment.

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